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Hello folks, first off - thanks to everyone who has preordered our upcoming releases from THE COWBOY, MAN-EATERS, & VANITY. There are only about 20 color copies left of each release as of this announcement, so head on over to our new webstore or Bandcamp for preorder options. Additionally, if you've already placed a preorder and would like to add a Teenage Cenobite tape to your order, just shoot us a reply to this email and we'll make it happen.   LABEL NEWS: TEENAGE CENOBITE unveil new Live EP, out 2/28 The fortieth release on Feel It just so happens...

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Welcome to the first Feel It newsletter of 2020. Hope everyone's new year is off to a good start! Lots going on since our last newsletter. I had a blast in Australia at the end of 2019. Amazing music scene and hospitality, can't wait to visit again! I was a guest on the Teenage Hate radio show at RRR in Melbourne where I talked about the label with hosts Tim and Christina, and played some tracks off upcoming releases. Speaking of upcoming releases, that's what we're here to talk about today - as three new releases are up for preorder...

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