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What's up everyone, first newsletter in a minute. Record shop has been off to a great start! Come on out if you're in Cincy, we are open Sun/Mon 12-6pm and Tues-Sat 11a-7p. Always buying and trading for vinyl/CDs/cassettes. On the label front, we just announced the latest LP for the Drin, and the debut Marcel Wave LP is out next Friday. Also see below for some upcoming live events at the shop! Much more in the works for late summer/fall. The Drin - Elude the Torch (artwork by the Drin)BandcampPreorder LP from Feel It (releases June 26) The Drin forge further into their own captivating...

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Good news y'all - excited to announce the grand opening of our Cincinnati record shop for Friday April 26! We are located at 356 Ludlow Ave. in the former Torn Light Records space. Parking available in the lot facing the front of the shop. 11am-7pm with DJs starting around 5. Have Mercy will also have a dedicated section filled with vintage textiles and wares! See you soon. On the label front, we are psyched to announce the debut LP from Minneapolis' Bermuda Squares this week. If you missed last week's update with album announcements from Marcel Wave and the Drin, here it is. Sign painted by Ink & Hammer....

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Good day, folks. We've got the pleasure of announcing the debut album from London's Marcel Wave - Lindsay from Grazia plays keys in this group and I had to immediately say yes to the album once it was submitted. It is a treat. The Drin are getting ready to head to the UK/EU next week and have a new single to share, previewing their next great album which will be out this summer. We're almost ready to share an opening date for the record store - it's been a massive undertaking but should have news on that very soon. If you missed last week's update...

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People! Back this week with two major album announcements, both from long running groups and friends of the label. Virginia's the Ar-Kaics are back with their first new studio album in six years! And perhaps the hardest working band in Cincy, Vacation, join the label for their ninth album. Both are available to preorder now and out on May 3! We will be back in April to announce an opening date for the record shop too...just got our sign painted and the inside is *almost* ready to begin stocking for y'all :) The Ar-Kaics - See the World on Fire (cover photos: Richard...

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Hey y'all, quick update this week. We have a stellar new digital single from Cleveland's Disintegration (part of a new LP that will be coming out on Feel It later in 2024). Doing a big 25% off sale for the rest of this week to help with the final push towards getting our physical location ready to open. Also have a bunch of high end and audiophile pressings listed on Discogs. We'll have a table at the Northside Record Fair in Cincy on the 30th too. Finally, shipping now and out this Friday: the new 7" EP from Lysol and yet another Why Bother? LP.  Disintegration - In Your Diary A...

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