new this week: CLASS, Morwan, Hard Copy

Howdy y'all, great to see/meet some of you at Gonerfest. Thanks to all that made it out for our afterparty as well! Today the new CLASS album is out along with a music video. We just announced a vinyl pressing of Morwan - Svitaye, Palaye and the debut album from Richmond, VA's Hard Copy. Tons of bands touring in October as well! In case ya missed last week's update with Spllit and Choncy announcements, here it is
Class - If You've Got Nothing
(cover photos by Rosie Clements / layout by Christian Blunda)
Order LP direct from Feel It
"The Artist works in a museum
And that museum is rocknroll
In a world of meme punk rockabilly grandads
It’s the classicists that really have something to say.
Straight lines, hooks, and a clear path to your heart.
They might not be dbeat heart throbs
But no one else can give you that
feeling that you can hold on to a moment
Like you are driving too fast down route 60
And it’s never going to end.
In 20 years when you skulk the dark alleyways of wherever punk’s red fern grows, they won’t be talking about Dwight Twilley, the Looks, or the Nerves, they will be looking for a little CLASS."
- Tobi Vail and Hayes Waring
Class - Coward's Disaster (Official Video)

Morwan - Svitaye, Palaye LP

Vinyl pressing of the latest album from Berlin-via-Kyiv post-punk project Morwan.

Order direct from Feel It
Hard Copy - 12 Shots of Nature
(cover art: James McPherson / photo: Ben Harsel)

Preorder direct from Feel It
"Chew" premiere/interview at Paperface Zine

release date: October 20

"Groundbreaking bands typically don't function as stars hanging in the night sky for all to gaze upon. Rare talent functions more accurately like tectonic plates, mutating their surroundings deep underground by bulldozing the pre existing turf. These kinds of musicians who regenerate and evolve our world by forging new creative languages that future artists will liberally borrow from and build upon. Richmond, Virginia may seem like a surprising location for seismic catalysts, but Hard Copy now joins an elite list of RVA bands moving sound in unexpected and earth shaking directions. Destruction! Invention! Rebirth!

Once upon a time there was Honor Role who deconstructed midwest hardcore and carved out a path for what eventually would become mathrock. Combining empathy wrapped in anger, a following generation would use this template to birth post-hardcore and a 2nd wave emotional music. A bit later came Labradford who were atmospheric scientists creating pulsating soundscapes bathed in drone. Their music was so devastatingly unique that Kranky willed themselves into existence to release their debut for which this historic label was built upon and continues to lead the way in experimental music. I can't help but to include Hard Copy among this kind of revelatory innovation. They are subtle shapeshifters of synth driven post-punk. At their core, we find unorthodox art rock for which Talking Heads and Pere Ubu belong, but it is stretched taut like taffy into trance-inducing, long form motorik musings. Singular vocals act as a secondary percussion. Bass lines double as a metronome heartbeat. Guitars zigzag inside a monochromatic prism. Linnear drums hammer the band's abstract narrative into a carefully crafted double-helix staircase spiraling up into ambitious avant-garde territory. Cantankerous poetry minus the Mancunian snarl of Mark E Smith behaves as a modern day deadbeat descendant making good. In short, making very very good.

RIYL the kind of bands who have no interest in grabbing a spotlight and are more likely to kick out the bulb to avoid it completely." -Tracy Wilson (Courtesy Desk) 
Optic Sink, Corker, the Stools and CLASS on tour!
Holy smokes, even more bands are hitting the road in October. Go see them if you can!

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