Analog Africa

Various – Legends Of Benin 2LP

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  • Regular price $31.99

Legends of Benin is a collection of super rare and highly danceable masterpieces recorded between
1969 - 1981 by four legendary composers from Benin. Gnonnas Pedro et Ses Dadjes, Antoine Dougbé, El
Rego et Ses Commandos and Honoré Avolonto. Each one of them with their own distinctive sound.
What you are going to hear here is a thick brew of Agbadja, Soul, Cavacha, Funk, Afro-Beat, AfroLatin Sounds all mixed in with Heavy Traditional Rhythms - distinctively Beninese Sound! Double LP de luxe, includes unlimited streaming of Legends of Benin, via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.

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