Analog Africa

Various – Jambú E Os Míticos Sons Da Amazônia 2LP

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Jambu is an exhilarating, cinematic ride into the beauty and heart of what makes Para's little corner of the Amazon tick. The hip swaying, frantic percussion and big band brass of the mixture of carimbo with siria, the mystical melodies of Amazonian drums, the hypnotizing cadence of the choirs, and the deep, musical reverence to Afro-Brazilian religions, provided the soundtrack for sweltering nights in the city's club district. Booklet featuring previously unpublished photos from the archives of the musicians themselves, an essay about Belem's night live, the development of the tropical music scene and a dozen of interviews made in the city of Belem between 2012 and 2016. Gatefold vinyl with 24-page magazine-format booklet & full digital album as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.

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