Spared Flesh

Cloud Ice 9 - 8BALL CS

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  • Regular price $3.00

8BALL was written & recorded in a sporadic, cabin feverish Summer of 2019-20. Songs of the apocalypse, vampires, bowling and crabs emerged from a Vonnegut-fuelled disenchantment with modern society. A year prior, the founding members Val Lincoln, Rocco Montgomery & Ace Texas had experimented tirelessly in a ram-shackled barn in Brunswick West, Naarm/Melbourne with drums made of buckets and cans, VHS tape samples, a grotesque amount of Hammond organs, bells, whistles, balloons, country-influenced guitars fused with post-punk bass and drum machine patterns - all gestating into the foundations of what Cloud Ice 9’s sound would evolve from, which continues to develop like an inebriated game of Jenga in the dark.

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