Freak Genes announce sixth album, Delirik

Good day folks, we are back with yet another announcement - this time from our friends in Freak Genes, who are back with their sixth album (and third on Feel It), Delirik. I think you'll be impressed with what they've cooked up this time. What else is new? Louse shared a second single off their upcoming album, the new Citric Dummies EP dropped this past Friday in the midst of their Euro tour, and I'm currently bopping along to a Joe Henderson album that came into the shop with a mountain of great, minty jazz LPs. Swing by the shop for more of that if you're able to. We also constantly list interesting stuff on Discogs for mailorder. Until next time... -Sam
Freak Genes - Delirik
(album/single artwork by the band)
Bandcamp - single "Reflective Surface"
Preorder LP direct from Feel It (releases September 6)

Here is Delirik – album number six from Freak Genes. Created between Andrew Anderson (Proto Idiot, KAKE?) and Charlie Murphy (GAMMA, Life Forms), it’s their third release on home-of-the-weird-hits Feel It Records.

Delirik keeps the electronic melodic hooks of previous work, but now backed by a base of dark industrial sounds. See artists like Coil, Fad Gadget, This Heat and Front 242 for common ground. Recording destinations included Sofia, Bulgaria and Falmouth, England. Mikey Young returns again for mixing and mastering details.

As for the title, that’s derived from Delirium, a glitching, cut up fever dream. Disorientating, exhilarating…you’ll want to do it again. 

more gigs at the shop!
this week: Thurs 8/15 Landowner (Mass) w/ Choncy + Bug Juice

next week: Fri 8/23 Girl Gordon (EP release) w/ Plug + Phanta

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