Let's Pretend

Posmic "Sun Hymns" CS

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  • $3.00
  • Regular price $8.00

Rising from the fertile soils of the Baltimore and DC music scenes, lands the hazy gem that is Posmic. The band was formed by David Van and Emily Ferrara (both of Post Pink) with Zach Inscho (Wildhoney) and DC native Luke Reddick (Ultra Beauty) in late 2019 as an explorative pop project and vehicle for the more personal songwriting of Van and Ferrara. Influenced by both mainstream and underground groups of the 90's and inspired by the vision and production of the 60's, Posmic is an ever-evolving, freaky foray into art rock songwriting.

The group began playing live in early 2020 only to be delayed by the global pandemic, but managed to continue on as the world turned inside out. The upside-down time resulted in a series of home recording sessions that would become Sun Hymns, a collection of eight bite sized songs that float along in under twenty minutes. The themes range from subtly psychedelic and meditative pop to jangly and introspective rock mantras — all just passing through.

Posmic returned to playing live in 2021 and welcomed DC punk renaissance man Brendan Reichhardt as a fifth member of the band.

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